You put a lot of pressure on yourself to be a great parent and raise kids that don’t suck. The problem isn’t a lack of desire, but rather an inherently flawed parenting model.
Sometimes you feel it in the ways you are triggered and respond to your kids. Maybe you’re seeing your own shortcomings beginning to emerge in them. It can be disheartening.
Rest assured that it’s not entirely avoidable. Having been raised by dysfunctional parents, as they say, “you don’t know what you don’t know.” Your parenting is likely to have gaps and weaknesses. You might find yourself frustrated, overwhelmed, and unsure how to be the parent you wished you’d had.
Parenting is hard. It’s an unspoken contract to raise another human until they can act like an adult. Hopefully, one that doesn’t suck. To rise to the challenge, we might attempt to take the good aspects of what our parents modeled as we simultaneously try to eradicate or change the bad.
On the surface, it appears to be a great strategy. The problem is that you don’t have another example of a parenting model.
Furthermore, you might not recognize that what you are attempting to change has already molded the way you think, act, and move through life.
Add another human working alongside you whose model is also flawed, and it’s a classic catch-22.
But there is hope! This book will help you reduce the failures and the impending impact by introducing ideas and principles you may never have considered and weren’t likely modeled for you.
You’ll get a clear vision of what is possible as a parent. Your kid will find and highlight your strengths, but they will also shine a beacon on your weaknesses. Believe it.
Using the energy from the weakness is what will guide you to become the parent you always wished you’d had. This book will show you how. In the process, it’ll help you avoid the pendulum swinging too far in the other direction.
Finding the balance and blessing in the muck and mire of parenting is the target. You can do this! You are capable.
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