This is a simple ceviche recipe that only takes about 15 minutes to prep even with the thawing of the shrimp and bay scallops. Anyone can do this and have a tasty meal you can eat for a few days.
ental and emotional health it seems congruent to also care for yourself physically. Thoughts? Like. Subscribe. Comment.
I always thought coaching was mentoring and that it was a sign of weakness or a character defect to ask for help. I’ve since realized that’s an narrative that I built. Theresa nothing weak about someone helping you to
The purpose of this channel is to give boots on the ground help for personal growth, in a format that is direct, honest, and includes no froo froo or BS. Short format content that really helps to guide you
"What are your values? Asked slightly differently, what do you value? Maybe you’ve never really considered this before. If you had asked me several years ago what I valued or what my values were I’m not sure I would have been able to answer. I would have fumbled around...