This is a simple ceviche recipe that only takes about 15 minutes to prep even with the thawing of the shrimp and bay scallops. Anyone can do this and have a tasty meal you can eat for a few days.
UPDATE: I ended up using the entire mild Pico De Gallo and 90% of the spicy Pico mix. Plus I added some salt and pepper.
Nutrition, fitness, and mental health, and personal growth are all woven together. You’re going to hear that a lot on this channel. I believe it fully. You can reduce the need for a lot of medication through proper nutrition and by learning your body.
Fitness is integral as well and obviously shaking the demons out of the corners of your mind is critical as well. #bypassthebullshit #bypassthebull #ceviche #recipe #easyfood #healthyfood #nutrition #wellness